Our stories

Severely undernourished, covered in fleas, his ears bug bitten and infected with life-threatening filaria (heart worm disease), Marley was walked in by an elderly man at a local dog shelter. Apparently, he had been roaming in the nearby mountains for days! Luckily at that precise moment a recently married couple who had just come to donate some dog food to the shelter, saw Marley and felt the immediate need to take him home before he experienced the hardships of living in a dog shelter. Fortunately, they decided to adopt him.

Since then, Marley has been living a healthy, fun and love-filled life, enjoying regular long runs at the beach and socials at dog friendly parks. His owner, Vick, adores his company and takes him to his office almost every day. He says Marley is the most loyal friend he ever had!

Miko was still a puppy when he was left at a local vet by a young boy who had no financial means take care of him. A week before, at the same veterinary clinic, the Kundlani family had to put to sleep their beloved 14-years-old poodle “Mini”. They had told the vet that they had no intention to get another dog unless s/he was homeless. And so, by a strike of good fortune Miko was adopted by the Kundlani´s. Miko is 15 years old now and is an absolute poser!

Gia`s was born to a stry dog that had been living on a valley next to a village. She was a very shy dog and would really feel afraid of people. Soon after Gia`s birth the villagers helped to find homes for all her puppy brothers and sisters, but unfortunately Gia was the last one left and they could not find her a home. To make matters worse whilst living in the valley little Gia was runover by a car and injured. The villagers managed save her life but still she had no home where to live safely.

After recovering Gia went from a foster home to a dog shelter and was barely able to socialize with people. She became very shy and a fearful dog who would find it difficult to trust people. Fortunately, during a visit to the dog shelter where she stayed a young girl named Africa saw Gia and knew she had to adopt her. Since then, Gia has been Africa´s companion and slowly but gradually, she has started to trust people again.

Bussy was born in Germany. Her First Owner suffered from a very aggressive cancer and couldn´t take care of her so gave her away. She ended up being taken care of by a Family in Barcelona who got to know about the story. Bussy moved to Barcelona with this family and a new sister Tina, a blue terrier who unfortunately also fell ill and was soon passed away.

Bussy slowly found her space in her new family, however unfortunely, one day, whilst chasing a cat she ran over a railway track and was hit by a train. Poor Bussy had to go throught numerous surgeries, yet with her strength and courage, Bussy in now recovered and enjoying a better life.

Dori was initially bought from a pet shop when he was a baby but her journey hasn`t been easy. His first owners donated him to some friends who ended up giving him to a dog shelter called Huellas Callejeras in Castellón.

From the dog shelter, he was taken care of by various temporary homes, until a small child adopted hum (using his dad`s name, in order for the adoption process to be legal, when he was on holiday).

When the dad returned, he gave the dog back to the dog shelter. Bobby went to 7 temporary homes until he ended up with his actual family. Bobby used to be a scared dog who had a lot of fears, but with time, patience and a loving family, he lives a much happier tranquil life.

Kira was found roaming around alone in the coast of Maresma, in Areys del Mar, 8 years ago when he was hardly 6 months old. The owners decided to adopt her, and as most adoptions, it was hard initially.

Joan had another dog at the time which made the adaptation a little harder as Kira was possessive and jealous, but with time, and love, and a family, Kira has improved a lot, and is now able to handle many more situations.